Bianchi Biz Blog

Let’s Get Visual! Automotive Supplier Social Media Posts Need More Visuals

Posted Nov. 25th 2015

With the human brain able to process visual content 60,000 times faster than text, it’s a no brainer that visual content can be more effective than words. For that reason, about 90 percent of the information sent to our brain is visual. And almost every major social network, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, have recognized […]

What’s Different About How European Journalists Approach CEO Interviews?

Posted Nov. 20th 2015

A potential danger facing CEOs who engage in international media relations is the failure to understand how journalistic practices vary from one continent – or country – to another. So, to assist CEOs and their communications executives in understanding how journalists in Europe prepare for, and conduct, CEO media interviews, the Public Relations Global Network […]

Many Professional Service Companies’ Social Media Posts Lack Visuals

Posted Nov. 13th 2015

It’s no secret that everyone reads visuals. We’re wired to take in visual content faster and more effectively than words. For that reason, about 90 percent of the information sent to our brain is visual. Yet, based our recent study of 25 top metro-Detroit professional services companies, most of these organizations’ posts are missing a […]

Auto Suppliers Need to Shift Their Focus Outward on Social Media

Posted Nov. 6th 2015

More than 50 percent of the posts made on social media by automotive suppliers are focused on themselves, according to our recent Social Media and Automotive Supplier Habits™ 2.0 (SMaASH 2.0) study of the top 25 North American automotive OEM suppliers. Given that the golden rule of social media is: for every one post about […]

How CEOs Can Better Prepare for Media Interviews with North American Journalists

Posted Oct. 30th 2015

While not all journalists are the same, a recent survey by our global PR agency network offers some interesting insights on how some North American journalists prepare for, and conduct, an interview with a corporate CEO. As a communications professional, knowing a journalist’s preparations and preferences can help you better prepare your CEO for the […]

Most Professional Service Social Media Posts Fail the Interactivity Test

Posted Oct. 23rd 2015

Engagement is the immediate goal for most professional service firms’ social media presence. Law firms, architects, staffing companies and more go to great lengths to measure and analyze engagement with likes, favorites, shares, retweets, reach, clicks and other metrics. Yet only a small share of professional service firm posts are the type that actually encourage […]

Automotive Suppliers Need to Share More Media Coverage

Posted Oct. 16th 2015

When it comes to credibility, a third party endorsement such as media coverage is hard to beat. Media coverage is perceived to reflect an unbiased, objective perspective from the press, resonating in a much more authentic way with your key audiences. A recent study by Nielsen reported that third-party articles in trusted media outlets is […]