

Automotive Tech Suppliers Abound at CES2023

Posted Jan. 19th 2023

Make no mistake: CES (formerly known as the Consumer Electronics Show) has become the world’s greatest auto show. That’s not just our hot take as an automotive PR firm. It’s the opinion of many auto-industry savvy people, including: That’s quite a change from 15 years ago, when just one automaker participated in CES, in conjunction […]


CES 2023 Public Relations Facts Automotive Technology and Mobility Suppliers Should Know

Posted Jul. 21st 2022

CES 2023 will be one of the most competitive trade shows we’ve seen in our 30 years of doing business-to-business public relations. This hyper-competition will hold true for both journalists and exhibitors alike. As such, it’s important for exhibitors – especially the vehicle technology providers and automotive mobility suppliers we serve – to fully understand […]


7 Myths of Automotive Supplier and Vehicle Technology PR

Posted Dec. 2nd 2021

It’s no secret that the automotive industry is facing more change – and disruption – than at any other time in its history. The trends of electrified, connected, autonomous and shared vehicles are rapidly changing the game … not only for automakers but also for the entire vehicle technology supply chain ecosystem. This shift is […]

Three Reasons ESG Communications Are Crucial for Automotive & Vehicle Technology Suppliers

Posted Jul. 1st 2021

ESG (environmental, social, and governance) reporting is rapidly becoming the hottest trend for mobility, automotive and vehicle technology suppliers. We’ve all seen the headlines … read the articles … review the studies … and spoken to clients about this hot topic. Interestingly, according to Forbes, just a decade ago, ESG investing was viewed as an […]
