
Meet the Media: Jeremy Wolfe, Editor for FleetOwner

I am an Editor for FleetOwner, a commercial vehicle brand primarily serving executives and maintenance management of commercial truck fleets that operate five or more vehicles. As editor, I write articles and manage multimedia content for the brand. I joined the commercial vehicle space just this February, after working for the same company on water infrastructure brands for just under three years.

Can you tell us what types of stories, trends or issues are on your radar now?

I regularly write articles on market reports, industry regulations, information management technology, and operations.

Describe the craziest or most fun story you have worked on.

I had a lot of fun grabbing photos of the PKY Truck Beauty Championship at the Mid-America Trucking Show in Kentucky this March. I had a camera and just walked the lot, taking photos of all the (extremely cool) tractors and trailers.

What story or stories are you most proud of?

I’m quite proud of my latest article series on heavy-duty EV charging station development. It was fun and engaging work to dive into the processes and considerations behind what could become a very common development in the not-so-distant future.

What elements or characteristics do you look for in a story, and why?

I look for stories that have a solid educational edge to them. How does this topic serve FleetOwner’s readers’ operations? But also, what would a user on our website be curious to learn about?

How long have you been in journalism and how did you get started?

I joined my university’s newspaper as a reporter in 2018. A year later, I became co-editor-in-chief of the paper, where I hired, trained, and managed a 12-person staff for a biweekly print publication. I graduated in May of 2020 at the start of the pandemic, and then joined Endeavor Business Media as an associate editor for Stormwater magazinein April 2021. After a few hops around in the company, I’ve landed with FleetOwner.

Finish this sentence: If I am not reporting, I am …

In meetings!

What advice do you have for PR people that want to pitch you?

I appreciate interview proposals and prepared written statements regarding trending topics in the trucking space. And please be patient with pitching; I cannot reply to most pitches.

Any pet peeves with PR people?

Automated pitch emails for stories that don’t concern my brand.

Tell us a little about yourself (family, interests, hobbies, background, etc.)

I have two beautiful rescue cats: Mister and Tilly. I love poetry and video games.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our audience? (Maybe something that would surprise people?)

I play guitar!

My Twitter/X handle is @Jemy_Wof and FleetOwner’s is @fleetowner. However, I am much more active on my LinkedIn.

Check out a few of Jeremy’s recent articles:

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