901 Tower Drive Suite 420
Troy, Michigan 48098
P: 248.269.1122
E: bianchipr@bianchipr.com
What’s the top story you’re working on right now?
GE’s digital factory. The company is talking about factories as a service. That means renting plant technology to manufacturers the same way GE rents jet engines to airlines. The vendor takes full responsibility for the optimization of plant equipment and the manufacturer doesn’t have to employ control engineers.
Tell us about your dream assignment.
Doing an extensive, in-depth interview with Bob Dylan.
Describe the craziest or most fun story you’ve written.
A couple years ago I did a series of stories that came from a trip to NASA’s Mission Control Center in Houston. We actually were able to see Mission Control operators help astronauts on the International Space Station work through some problems. That involved a space walk outside the station. Amazing to see on the Mission Control Center screens.
What is your top pet peeve with PR people?
Receiving pitches for stories we don’t do, such as personnel promotions and corporate financial reports.
What is the top trend you’re covering or interested in right now?
Cyber security. It’s a horse race between the hackers and those trying to protect assets. The hackers are winning so far.
Tell us a little about yourself (family, interests, favorites, background, etc.)
On the side, I review theater performances, both musicals and drama. For a decade, I ran and owned a magazine, Chile Pepper, which covered hot foods. I sold it 20 years ago to return to my first love, writing. But it’s still being published and I still love hot food.
Finish this sentence: People would be surprised to know that I…
… write and publish fiction, drama, and poetry.
Follow Rob on Twitter at: @robspiegel1